
Showing posts from October, 2017

Yom Kippur and an Elevator

I thought all I would have to write about this week would be my experience on Yom Kippur.  Oh, how wrong I was.  Let's talk about what happened on Sunday, shall we? So Sunday evening, the seven students who study Arabic were invited to go to a dinner with Arab students at the Shenkar College near us.  We arrived at the college with no difficulties, but then we went to get into the elevator and things went downhill (quite literally).  Because none of us read Hebrew, none of us managed to read the sign in the elevator that said you could only fit four people in it at one time.  (You can see where this is going, right?)  So, the seventh person steps into the elevator, the professor who came with us moves to get in, and... The elevator dropped -- shockingly slowly, actually -- until there was only about a foot of the floor that we could see.  I will never forget the look on my professor's face -- the "oh no, I've killed half the program" look.  On...